Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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149 lines
║ Using the Sapir Menu System ║
Pressing Esc takes you out of the file you are editing and into the !
Menu system. You can move around the menus using the Arrows, as well !
as Home and End. To activate a menu entry, press Enter. !
Esc will always move you one level higher in the menus, until you exit !
the menu system and return to your file. Del will immediately exit the !
menus, wherever you are. !
* * * * * !
Virtually every function is available through direct commands. The !
function keys are preset to perform commonly needed tasks. !
These are the major function keys: !
F2 - File and Disk Functions: Read, Print, Change Dir, Rename etc. !
F3 - Program parameters F6 - Save F7 - Hebrew/English (Major) !
F8 - Nikud F4 - Exit pgm F9 - 2nd Language (minor) !
Sh F1 - Search Sh F2 - Replace !
Sh F5 - Mark Blk Begin Sh F6 - Mark Blk End !
Sh F7 - Copy Block Sh F8 - Move Block !
Sh F9 - Open/Close Window Sh F10- Toggle active Window !
Ctl F9 - Flip a line Ctl F10- OnScreen Keyboard Map !
Alt F9 - See/change macro Alt F10- Call disk macro !
Press a highlighted key to perform the indicated function !
Press any other key to continue the command listing &;
║ ÿëöæ îÖ ìëêëÿöÜü ÖàÄëÖä ║
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.Endà Home ìÆ Åïà ,ìëûëçä ìÆ äïàÜü üüàÜæäî !
.ÿêÉÇ îÆ òçî ,ÇàäÖÄ îëÆöäî !
.òüàùî ÿàåçÜà ëÿÄéî ÇûÜÖ âÆ ,ìëêëÿöÜä èàÜü ÜçÇ äéÿâÄ èÜàÇ äîÆÄ âëÄÜ Esc !
.ìëêëÿöÜü ìàùÄ îïÄ ,òüàùî âëÄ èÜàÇ ÇëûàÄ Del !
* * * * * !
ÜàÖÆî ÜàÿâéàÄ "ÜàëûùÉàö"ä .ìëêëÿöÜä ëîü ,Üàâàùö ìÆ îïä êÆÄï ÜàÖÆî ÅÜëÉ !
.ìëëæëæü ìëÿüâ !
'àïà ,ìÖ ÜàÉÖî ,ùàçÄî ,.ÿëâ ÜàÉÖî ,äæöâä ,äÇëÿù :ìëûüù ëÜàÿëÖ - F2 !
ÜëÿüÆ/ÜëîéÉÇ - F7 ÿàÄÖî - F6 ìëëîï ìëÿêÄÿö - F3 !
äëÉÖ äöÖ - F9 ÜëÉïàÜäÄ äÇëûë - F4 âàùëÉ - F8 !
ôîçä - Sh F2 Ööç - Sh F1 !
ôîçä - Sh F6 Ööç - Sh F5 !
æëï üÖçÄ - [(N)Ä ALT] !
ìëààÜ ìÆ äùëöÿé - [(G)Æ ALT] !
âàùëÉ îÖ ìëÖùÄ çàî ÜöÄ - [F10 CTRL] !
äâëî äÄàÖÿä äîàÆöä ÜÇ Æûüî ÿÇàÄ ÖùÄ Öùä R
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